Construct a portfolio and analyze it's Risk & Return in a Nutshell


Hello All!


I have a new method to construct a portfolio for risky assets. It has five assets and I’m going to concise my lecture as you can see from the videos that it is in fact easy to construct it by yourself.

Few points to remember:

1.      Construct the model in the same cells i.e., Headings, Stocks, Weights, Risk & Return Etc. which are there in the excel sheet and only then the VBA codes will work.

2.      I left an excel spreadsheet for your practice and I took some time to create VBA codes to auto construct this portfolio.

Let’s Understand what’s in it:

A2:E127- Values consists of daily returns data for 5 stocks. I picked these stocks out of other blogs and they belong to famous companies like Google, twitter, Microsoft etc.

G2:G6- Values relate to equal Weights. This means I started with an equal weighted portfolio.

H2:H6- Values are Weight squares which will be later used in Portfolio Variance formula.

I2:I6-     Values pertinent to Mean of individual columns A, B, C, D & E.

J2:J6-    Values derive Excess returns and expressed as Rt-R.mean.

K2:K6-  Values form the numerator of variance formula and expressed as (Rt-R.mean)^2 .

L2:L6-   Values of daily Variance and defined as K2/127 and basically the denominator part.

M2:M6- Values of Covariance results.

N2:N6- Values of Correlation results.

O2:O6- Values of Expected Returns which is simply Mean x 252 (Annual)

R2-        Value is daily R2 and cleverly choreographed/modelled into R2 cell.

R2-        Value is daily R2 x 127 days which is know as semi annualized variance.

R3-        Value is daily R2 x 252 days which is renown as Annualized variance.

S2:S4-   Values belong to Standard Deviation (SD) which we all know it as Square-roots of Variances.

T4-        Value defines Portfolio Expected Returns on the whole.

U4-        Value gives out the Sharpe ratio which is nothing but Exp. Returns / SD.  

In the Risk-Return tradeoff, you will observe the 1st row and 3rd row highlighted in Red because it gives us a picture that, Returns on normal Variance (Risk) is lower than Returns based on optimized weights and for same level/amounts of Risk-Variance.


First, Minimize Variance (Daily, Semi or Annual).

Second, Maximize Expected Portfolio Returns and choose Variance as a constraint (Input your desired levels of Risk). Variance=Risk!

Finally, when your done with optimizing for desired levels of risk, set 100% as Variance in the constraint value and it gives you the Maximum risk and Return (My last row highlighted in yellow returned highest as 0.57% risk or so)

Note: Solver works on VBA coded results. I have updated codes for Dynamic update after I made the videos. I didn't do additional statistics to reduce any variance if any such thing exists. I have done my math on daily returns only. If you do data analysis using built-in tools like Covariance or Correl, I observed, it's done on raw data i.e., the closing prices directly. Then, I took averages for the whole column and not the latest ones. 

One more thing I'd like to point out is, .... Wait a minute.... Ooops! I forgot. Yes I remember it now just at the nick of the moment..... Ooops I forgot it again.... OK! now I remember after the third time, the second video suggests that all VBA codes yield results equal to manual calculation results in Excel. I didn't panic if they show 0.002 - 0.005% difference in results. So, you don't have to panic as well. 

All the best!


Appendix for VBA Codes (Sheet 1):

Sub CalculateSquares()

    Dim i As Integer

    For i = 2 To 7

        Cells(i, 8).Formula = "=G" & i & "^2"

    Next i

End Sub

Sub CalculateAverages()

    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Change the sheet name as needed


    ' Calculate averages for each column

    ws.Range("I2").Formula = "=AVERAGE(A2:A127)"

    ws.Range("I3").Formula = "=AVERAGE(B2:B127)"

    ws.Range("I4").Formula = "=AVERAGE(C2:C127)"

    ws.Range("I5").Formula = "=AVERAGE(D2:D127)"

    ws.Range("I6").Formula = "=AVERAGE(E2:E127)"


    ' Display formulas in cells

    ws.Range("I2:I6").FormulaHidden = False

End Sub

Sub CalculateExcessReturns()

        Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Replace "Sheet1" with your actual sheet name

    ' Calculate the results and output them in cells J2:J6

    ws.Range("J2").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT($A$2:$A$127-$I$2)"

    ws.Range("J3").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT($B$2:$B$127-$I$3)"

    ws.Range("J4").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT($C$2:$C$127-$I$4)"

    ws.Range("J5").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT($D$2:$D$127-$I$5)"

    ws.Range("J6").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT($E$2:$E$127-$I$6)"

End Sub

Sub DisplaySumSQ()

    Dim i As Long

    Dim lastRow As Long

    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Dim diffRange As Range

    Dim referenceValue As Double

    Dim formulaString As String

    Dim cell As Range

    ' Set the worksheet where your data is located

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Change "Sheet1" to your actual sheet name

    ' Finds the last row with data in column A (assuming all columns have the same number of rows)

    lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

    ' Loop through each column (A to E)

    For i = 1 To 5

        ' Calculate the squares of difference for the current column

        Set diffRange = ws.Range(ws.Cells(2, i), ws.Cells(lastRow, i))

        referenceValue = ws.Cells(2, 9).Value ' Corrected row index to 2

        formulaString = "=SUMSQ(" & diffRange.Address & "-" & ws.Cells(2, 9).Address & ")"

        ' Store the formula in the corresponding cell (K2:K6)

        ws.Cells(1 + i, 11).Formula2 = formulaString ' Column 11 corresponds to K

    Next i

End Sub

Sub CalculateDailyVariance()

    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Change the sheet name as needed


    ' Calculate results

    ws.Range("L2").Formula = "=K2 / 127"

    ws.Range("L3").Formula = "=K3 / 127"

    ws.Range("L4").Formula = "=K4 / 127"

    ws.Range("L5").Formula = "=K5 / 127"

    ws.Range("L6").Formula = "=K6 / 127"


    ' Display formulas in cells

    ws.Range("L2:L6").FormulaHidden = False

End Sub

Sub CalculateDailySD()

    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Change the sheet name as needed


    ' Calculate square roots and display formulas

    ws.Range("M2").Formula = "=SQRT(L2)"

    ws.Range("M3").Formula = "=SQRT(L3)"

    ws.Range("M4").Formula = "=SQRT(L4)"

    ws.Range("M5").Formula = "=SQRT(L5)"

    ws.Range("M6").Formula = "=SQRT(L6)"


    ' Display formulas in cells

    ws.Range("M2:M6").FormulaHidden = False

End Sub

Sub CalculateCovariance()

    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Change the sheet name as needed


    ' Calculate products and display formulas

    ws.Range("N2").Formula = "=J2*J3"

    ws.Range("N3").Formula = "=J2*J4"

    ws.Range("N4").Formula = "=J2*J5"

    ws.Range("N5").Formula = "=J2*J6"

    ws.Range("N6").Formula = "=J3*J4"

    ws.Range("N7").Formula = "=J3*J5"

    ws.Range("N8").Formula = "=J3*J6"

    ws.Range("N9").Formula = "=J4*J5"

    ws.Range("N10").Formula = "=J4*J6"

    ws.Range("N11").Formula = "=J5*J6"


    ' Display formulas in cells

    ws.Range("N2:N11").FormulaHidden = False

End Sub

Sub CalculateCorrel()

    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Change the sheet name as needed


    ' Calculate products and display formulas

    ws.Range("O2").Formula = "=N2 / (M2 * M3)"

    ws.Range("O3").Formula = "=N3 / (M2 * M4)"

    ws.Range("O4").Formula = "=N4 / (M2 * M5)"

    ws.Range("O5").Formula = "=N5 / (M2 * M6)"

    ws.Range("O6").Formula = "=N6 / (M3 * M4)"

    ws.Range("O7").Formula = "=N7 / (M3 * M5)"

    ws.Range("O8").Formula = "=N8 / (M3 * M6)"

    ws.Range("O9").Formula = "=N9 / (M4 * M5)"

    ws.Range("O10").Formula = "=N10 / (M4 * M6)"

    ws.Range("O11").Formula = "=N11 / (M5 * M6)"


    ' Display formulas in cells

    ws.Range("O2:O11").FormulaHidden = False

End Sub

Sub CalculateDailyExpReturns()

    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Change the sheet name as needed


    ' Calculate square roots and display formulas

    ws.Range("P2").Formula = "=(I2*252)"

    ws.Range("P3").Formula = "=(I3*252)"

    ws.Range("P4").Formula = "=(I4*252)"

    ws.Range("P5").Formula = "=(I5*252)"

    ws.Range("P6").Formula = "=(I6*252)"


    ' Display formulas in cells

    ws.Range("P2:P6").FormulaHidden = False

End Sub

Sub CalculatePortfolioVariance()

    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Replace "Sheet1" with your actual sheet name


    ' Calculate the formula

    ws.Range("R2").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT(H2:H6, L2:L6) + (2 * G2 * G3 * M2 * M3 * N2) + (2 * G2 * G4 * M2 * M4 * N3) + (2 * G2 * G5 * M2 * M5 * N4) + (2 * G2 * G6 * M2 * M6 * N5) + (2 * G3 * G4 * M3 * M4 * N6) + (2 * G3 * G5 * M3 * M5 * N7) + (2 * G3 * G6 * M3 * M6 * N8) + (2 * G4 * G5 * M4 * M5 * N9) + (2 * G4 * G6 * M4 * M6 * N10) + (2 * G5 * G6 * M5 * M6 * N11)"


    ' Display the formula in cell R2

    ws.Range("R2").FormulaHidden = False

End Sub

Sub CalculateAndDisplayR3()

    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Replace "Sheet1" with your actual sheet name


    ' Calculate the formula

    ws.Range("R3").Formula = "=R2*SQRT(127)"


    ' Display the formula in cell R3

    ws.Range("R3").FormulaHidden = False

End Sub

Sub CalculateAndDisplayR4()

    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Replace "Sheet1" with your actual sheet name


    ' Calculate the formula

    ws.Range("R4").Formula = "=R2*SQRT(252)"


    ' Display the formula in cell R4

    ws.Range("R4").FormulaHidden = False

End Sub

Sub CalculatePortfolioSD()

    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Replace "Sheet1" with your actual sheet name


    ' Calculate square roots and display formulas

    ws.Range("S2").Formula = "=SQRT(R2)"

    ws.Range("S3").Formula = "=SQRT(R3)"

    ws.Range("S4").Formula = "=SQRT(R4)"


    ' Display formulas in cells S2:S4

    ws.Range("S2:S4").FormulaHidden = False

End Sub

Sub CalculatePortfolioReturn()

    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Replace "Sheet1" with your actual sheet name


    ' Calculate the formula

    ws.Range("T4").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT(G2:G6, P2:P6)"


    ' Display the formula in cell T4

    ws.Range("T4").FormulaHidden = False

End Sub

Sub CalculateSharpe()

    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Replace "Sheet1" with your actual sheet name


    ' Calculate the formula

    ws.Range("U4").Formula = "=T4/S4"


    ' Display the formula in cell U4

    ws.Range("U4").FormulaHidden = False

End Sub

Sub OutputAllMacros()

    Call CalculateSquares

    Call CalculateAverages

    Call CalculateExcessReturns

    Call DisplaySumSQ

    Call CalculateDailyVariance

    Call CalculateDailySD

    Call CalculateCovariance

    Call CalculateCorrel

    Call CalculateDailyExpReturns

    Call CalculatePortfolioVariance

    Call CalculateAndDisplayR3

    Call CalculateAndDisplayR4

    Call CalculatePortfolioSD

    Call CalculatePortfolioReturn

    Call CalculateSharpe

End Sub


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