VBA Build a portfolio in a nutshell

 Hi all!

Mmm... I did something today and it can be called my 2nd unprecedented model that I've made. Its not perfect at the moment, but I've got a snippet for you. The purpose: It can be emailed to a friend who would like to analyze stocks and rookie at building Excel models. Otherwise, formulas in our workbook is a good means and VBA will not be necessary. 

Here's the Module Code:

Sub CalculateAllMetricsAndCovarianceMatrix()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim i As Long
    Dim countDays As Long
    ' Set the worksheet where your data is located
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Change "Sheet1" to your actual sheet name
    ' Autofill the percentage change formula in column F
    ws.Range("F3:F251").Formula = "=(B3-B2)/B2"
    ' Loop through the range C2:E251
    For i = 3 To 251
        ws.Cells(i, 7).Formula = "=(C" & i & "-C" & (i - 1) & ")/C" & (i - 1)
        ws.Cells(i, 8).Formula = "=(D" & i & "-D" & (i - 1) & ")/D" & (i - 1)
        ws.Cells(i, 9).Formula = "=(E" & i & "-E" & (i - 1) & ")/E" & (i - 1)
    Next i
    ' Count the number of cells in column A that contain numbers
    countDays = Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(ws.Range("A2:A251"))
    ' Display the count in cell Q2
    ws.Range("Q2").Value = countDays
    ' Calculate additional metrics (as requested)
    ws.Range("L3").Formula = "=AVERAGE(F3:F251)"
    ws.Range("M3").Formula = "=AVERAGE(G3:G251)"
    ws.Range("N3").Formula = "=AVERAGE(H3:H251)"
    ws.Range("O3").Formula = "=AVERAGE(I3:I251)"
    ws.Range("L4").Formula = "=STDEV(F3:F251)"
    ws.Range("M4").Formula = "=STDEV(G3:G251)"
    ws.Range("N4").Formula = "=STDEV(H3:H251)"
    ws.Range("O4").Formula = "=STDEV(I3:I251)"
    ws.Range("L5").Formula = "=P2*L3"
    ws.Range("M5").Formula = "=P2*M3"
    ws.Range("N5").Formula = "=P2*N3"
    ws.Range("O5").Formula = "=P2*O3"
    ws.Range("L6").Formula = "=SQRT(P2*L4)"
    ws.Range("M6").Formula = "=SQRT(P2*M4)"
    ws.Range("N6").Formula = "=SQRT(P2*N4)"
    ws.Range("O6").Formula = "=SQRT(P2*O4)"
    ws.Range("L9").Formula = "=Q13"
    ws.Range("M9").Formula = "=Q14"
    ws.Range("N9").Formula = "=Q15"
    ws.Range("O9").Formula = "=Q16"
    ws.Range("L10").Formula = "=SQRT(L6)*P2"
    ws.Range("M10").Formula = "=SQRT(M6)*P2"
    ws.Range("N10").Formula = "=SQRT(N6)*P2"
    ws.Range("O10").Formula = "=SQRT(O6)*P2"
    ws.Range("L11").Formula = "=CORREL(F3:F251,G3:G251)"
    ws.Range("M11").Formula = "=CORREL(F3:F251,H3:H251)"
    ws.Range("N11").Formula = "=CORREL(F3:F251,I3:I251)"
    ws.Range("O11").Formula = "=CORREL(G3:G251,H3:H251)"
    ws.Range("P11").Formula = "=CORREL(G3:G251,I3:I251)"
    ws.Range("Q11").Formula = "=CORREL(H3:H251,I3:I251)"
    End Sub
    Sub ComputeCovarianceMatrix()
    ' Define your input data range (adjust as needed)
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")  ' Change "Sheet1" to your actual sheet name

    ' Compute the individual components
    ws.Range("L13").Formula = "=L10^2"
    ws.Range("M13").Formula = "=L10*M10*L11"
    ws.Range("N13").Formula = "=L10*N10*M11"
    ws.Range("O13").Formula = "=L10*O10*N11"
    ws.Range("L14").Formula = "=M13"
    ws.Range("M14").Formula = "=M10^2"
    ws.Range("N14").Formula = "=M10*N10*O11"
    ws.Range("O14").Formula = "=M10*O10*P11"
    ws.Range("L15").Formula = "=N13"
    ws.Range("M15").Formula = "=N14"
    ws.Range("N15").Formula = "=N10^2"
    ws.Range("O15").Formula = "=N10*O10*Q11"
    ws.Range("L16").Formula = "=O13"
    ws.Range("M16").Formula = "=O14"
    ws.Range("N16").Formula = "=O15"
    ws.Range("O16").Formula = "=O10^2"

    ' Create the covariance matrix
    Dim rngCovMatrix As Range
    Set rngCovMatrix = ws.Range("L13:O16")

End Sub

Sub CalculatePortfolioVariance()
    Dim CovMat As Range
    Dim Weights As Range
    Dim Port_Vol As Double
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim n As Long
    ' Assuming covariance matrix is in L13:O16 and portfolio weights are in Q13:Q16
    Set CovMat = Range("L13:O16")
    Set Weights = Range("Q13:Q16")
    ' Get the number of assets (rows/columns in covariance matrix)
    n = CovMat.Rows.Count
    ' Calculate portfolio variance using covariance matrix and weights
    Port_Vol = 0
    For i = 1 To n
        For j = 1 To n
            Port_Vol = Port_Vol + Weights(i, 1) * Weights(j, 1) * CovMat(i, j)
        Next j
    Next i
    ' Take the square root to get portfolio standard deviation
    Port_Vol = Sqr(Port_Vol)
    ' Display the result in cell L18
    Range("L18").Value = Port_Vol
End Sub

Sub CalculateAndDisplayResults()
    ' Assuming the formulas are in cells L18, L19, L20, and L21
    ' Modify the cell references as needed
    ' Calculate square root of L18 and display in L19
    Range("L19").Formula = "=SQRT(L18)"
    ' Calculate SUMPRODUCT of L5:O5 and L9:O9 and display in L20
    Range("L20").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT(L5:O5, L9:O9)"
    ' Calculate L20 divided by L19 and display in L21
    Range("L21").Formula = "=L20 / L19"
End Sub

Her's the View Code for command button.

Private Sub BuildPortfolio_Click()

    ' Call your macros here
End Sub

In the end Port_Var is not working and I've used this instead: 

Private Sub BuildPortfolio_Click()

    ' Call your macros here
End Sub

Planning to improvise it soon and make it 100% safe to use by normalizing returns. 



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