Happy New Year 2022

I have accumulated important share valuation formulas which I would like to share with anyone from novices to professionals. Hope it interests you all!


Past, Present and future dividends info:
Current D0 = Dividend paid just now 0.20
ED1 = Dividend expected in year 1 = 0.21; D1 = Paid dividends = 0.20
ED2 = Dividend expected in year 2 = 0.77; D2 = Paid dividends = 0.13
ED3 = Dividend expected in year 3 = 0.29; D3 = Paid dividends = 0.17
ED4 = Dividend expected in year 4 = 0.23; D4 = Paid dividends = 0.30
ED5 = Dividend expected in year 5 = 0.23; D5 = Paid dividends = 0.20
Expected DDR6 = Dividend Distribution Rate = 20% of retained profits
Expected MV of share = 20
Ke = 14%
Kp = 17%
Po = Present share price/value
P1,2,3,4,5 = future market value of share
P/E = Price of share / EPS
g short-term = Dividend growth rate = 0.03 (GDP + Inflation rate)
g short-term = Dividend growth rate = (D0/Dividends n years ago)1/n – 1. (Substitute D5 = 0.20 for n and 5 for 1/n)
g short-term = Ke – (D0 / P0)
g short-term = Earnings Retention Rate (DPS/EPS) x Ke; ERR = 1 - DPR
g long-term = 1% or 0.01

1.       Absolute valuations: DCF Valuation

Year 0 = 0.21 / (1 + 0.14)1 + 0.77 / (1 + 0.14)2 + …. + 0.23 / (1+0.14)5 + 20 / (1 + 0.14)5 = PV of Stream



2.       Absolute valuations: Dividend Discount method

P0 = 0.15 + 20 / 1 + 0.14 = Single period share price  
P0 = ED1 / (1 + Ke) + P1 / (1 + Ke) = Single period share price
P0 = ED1 / (1 + Ke)1 + ED2 / (1 + Ke)2 + ED3 / (1 + Ke)3 + …. + ED5 + P5 / (1 + Ke)5 = 5 multi-period share price (DDM valuation formulas are modified from Holding Period formula)



3.       Relative valuation

P/E of your company x Future expected EPS of your company
Competitors P/E average x Future expected EPS of your company



4.       Gordon Growth model

P0 = D0 (1 + g)1 / (1 + Ke)1 + D0 (1 + g)2 / (1 + Ke)2 + …. + D0 (1 + g)5 / (1 + Ke)5 = Share price
P0 = D0 (1 + g) / Ke - g = D1 / Ke - g = Current share price. (Substitute D5 rate to get current share price for fifth year)
E.g. P0 = 0.20 x (1 + 0.03) / 0.14-0.03 (Remember to make sure g < Ke).



5.       Terminal Value method

To calculate P0 for year six, Terminal value must be used.
TV = (5th year EPS x 5th year DPR); the dividend for 6th year D6 = TV x g; substituting this P0 = D6 / Ke – g long-term


 6. Two-stage growth method

P0 = D0 (1 + g short-term)1 / (1 + Ke)1 + (D0 (1+g short-term)5 x (1 + g long-term)/ (1 + Ke)(Ke – g long-term))     
P3 = D6 (1+ g long-term) / Ke – g long-term
Note: P0 = P3
PV = ED1 (1 + g super growth) / (1 + Ke)1 + ED2 (1 + g super growth) / (1 + Ke)2 + ED3 (1 + g super growth) / (1 + Ke)3 +…. + ED5 (1 + g super growth) / (1 + Ke)5 = PV of constant stream of dividends
P5 = ED5 (1 + g super growth)5 x (1 + g normal growth) / Ke – g normal growth = 5th year Share price
Discounted value of share price = P6 / (1 + Ke)5
P0 = PV + P5
Note: g normal growth = g long-term and g super growth = g Short-term



7.       Non-dividend paying stock value

EPS 5th year = EPS current-year x (1 + g short-term)5
EPS 6th year = EPS 5th year x (1 + g long-term)      
D6 = EPS 5th year x Expected DDR for 6th year
P5 = D6 / Ke - g long-term
P0 = P5 / (1 + Ke)5 = Current share value derived from TV.       



8.       Perpetual Preference Shares

P0 = Dp (Constant Preference Dividend) / Kp (Cost of Preference share capital)
Eg: 100$ face value 6% preference shares = 100 x 0.06 = 6 / 0.17 = Preference share value
Preference share face value + Arrear Dividends
Preference share par value + Arrears preference dividends + Surplus on preference share (Surplus on liquidation)



9.       The Ex-div share price

Cum-div price Dividend
10.   Discounted Cash Flow Method of total Equity valuation
FCF = Operating profit – Tax on Operating Profit @30% + Tax-relief on Depreciation – Capital investments
Real Discount rate = (1 + WACC) / (1 + Inflation)
Corporate Value = FCF / Real Discount Rate
Equity value = Corporate value – Corporate Debt x (1+Corporate tax rate)



11.   Market value of share

EPS x P/E Ratio; Earnings / Earnings Yield



12.   Intrinsic value of share

FCFE / No. of Equity shares
T. Assets – Creditors – Fictitious assets – external liability - Preference shareholders / No. of Equity shares



13.   Yield method: ROCE

ROCE / Normal rate of return x Paid up value of shares



14.   Yield method: Dividend Method

Expected rate of return / Normal rate of return x Paid up value of share
Possible yield rate /Expected yield rate x Paid up value of share
Profit available for equity shareholder / No of Equity shares x Capitalization factor
Average PBIT – Bad Debts – Depreciation on (Revalued-NBV) PPE & Goodwill – Preference dividend – Transfer to reserves = Profits available to shareholders
Dividend rate = Profits available to shareholders / Total share capital
Yield Value of share = Dividend rate / Normal value x Paid up value of share



15.   Fair value method

Intrinsic value + Yield method / 2



16.   Rights shares value

Number of Rights / Number of old shares x (Market price per share – Issue price)



17.   H-Method

P0 = D0 (1 + g long-term) / Ke – g long-term + D0 x H x (g short-term – g long-term) / Ke – g long-term = Share price
Here, H = t/2 and that means the first five years growth period. So, H = 5/2.



18.   Three step method

P3 = D3 (1 + g short-term) + D3 x H (g short-term – g long-term)
Where D3 = D0 (1 + g short-term)3 = 3rd year expected dividend
P0 = P3 + D3

   19. Walter’s model

P0 = (DPS / Ke)  + (IRR(EPS – DPS) / Ke) / Ke

Note: When

IRR > Ke ; No need to declare dividends and DPR = 0%

IRR = Ke; No impact on value of the firm and hence declare DPR = between 0-100%

IRR < Ke; Declare dividends and DPR = 100%


  20. Gordon’s Capitalisation model

P0 = EPS x DPR / Ke – g growth rate of earnings  


  21. MM model

P0 = 1 / (1 + Ke)  x  (D1 + P1)

22. Ex-Rights value of share 

Value of share after rights issue = NPo+S/N+1

N= number of existing shares required for a rights issue; Po= Cum-rights price per share; S= subscription price at which shares are issued 

23. Traditional approach 

Po= m(D + E/3) 

Where m= multiplier; P= market price of share; D= dividend per share; E= Earnings per share







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