Linear Programming in a nutshell

 Hi all,

Today, we are going to discuss about no value for education. Yes! No one has to study anything because it makes one nervous wreck, also there is a good chance that we all will become dilettantes. An example of this is, there is linear programming everywhere on the web and resources but not 'Zj'. It ruined my complete day and the info is available to sort this problem for 2 or 3 product mixes and 3 slack variables only but not for 10-product scale. A time comes when people have to feel high and leave off the ruined feelings within. 

Here is my problem

If anyone knows a solution to 10 product mix, please drop in some advice so that I can move on. 

I am sure mathematical knowledge is not required to replicate this model, but 'Zj' philosophy is required. If I find something, I promise to update it instantly.

I am stuck in the ruts and never been better!!




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