HaRd CoRe NeWs

 There ain't a day in crime which surpassed my notice! I know everything and everything is the same as Genesis, the Temptation!! Police? Who are they?? They can't prevent anything....

Youth correctional facilities? They work under budget and you all know what it means, besides, half of them are criminals themselves and do not argue about my judgements. Did you still expect your daughters and sons to be free from developing men's rea when off-springs of criminals inculcated their hatred on your children to make them anti-social elements? It's hard to survive without rubbing off bad habits. You are what you eat is proverbial, perpendicularly, you children are adopting incorrigible behaviour from classmates born to obnoxious parents who thought that it is correct to behave this way and believed that it is an old adage which unofficially claims vulgarity is supported equally by law (Lol, there are loop holes which cannot prevent students from learning & promoting bad culture) and Jimmy Kimmel shows are evident enough.   

Yes, they are there every where and how to find a solution? Simple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Parents, speak properly as ill-speech is the devils advocate. I have complained to several police commissioners that murderers are not born but are made through speech's native influence, slang and like friends, kith & kin. They never acknowledge my emails because they cannot fight gangsters in their infirm states and bereft to prevent future crimes due to lack of vigilance resources. You don't believe it? Of course, uneducated doesn't have to believe a thing, but educated should- due to many empirical evidences available on WWW itself. 


What do you all aspire from progeny? A thug's son to be a thug or a saint?
Remember, all of us cannot say we are better and that doesn't mean better are richer than you all are. 
