COVID-19 Masks

 'Covid... Covid.. go away, little Johnny wants to play'

Initiatives like facial masks, social distancing and national lockdowns implemented during the epidemic were remarked as atrocious to some despite playing a crucial role in eradicating Corona virus. Recently, a simulation played by Japanese super computer suggests that wearing double masks offers limited protection compared to a single mask which fits properly. Unfortunately, a mask doesn't fit properly not unless it's a snorkelling type of a diving or a gas mask. So, I devised a plan to put on one of the best prescribed facial mask and top it up by wrapping a handkerchief around the face to attenuate airborne SARS-CoV-2 spread. 


P.S. Remember to wear the mask even after your vaccination and continue this further more even after the mass population inoculation drive which will achieve herd immunity in the near future. This proves to be a safe-play to protect ourselves from dust & pollution. If anyone has come up with better innovative solution, please leave your ideas in the comments section.     
