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Part 1- Product life-cycle price optimization in a nutshell

  Hi All, I came back with an alchemy to sort out your financial planning issues. It is known that profit curiosity is inquisitive and a self-harm. So, relax and follow my modelling techniques. This is one of the reasons why I boast this as a free-to-use unprecedented Analytical model globally which outputs universal start-up business philosophies. Points To Remember: 1.        Deferred tax planning was done adequately, and the rates are fictious. One can modify it as per their needs and the model will perform the same. 2.        Temporary difference on purchases of PPE is calculated from Net Book Value – WDV Capital Allowances rate but not tax rate. Grant accounting Method 1 or 2 are not adhered to cause this standard has its own prescribed treatment. 3.        For reporting purposes, I have used Grant accounting Method-1 and once again calculated Temporary Differences arising on depreciation only from these figures. 4.        The crux of the problem is Current taxes- I ha

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